Red Cross volunteer driving home at the right time results in lifesaving action

Last spring, Joshua Hernandez of Joliet sprang into action when he saw a mother and child in distress which earned him the Red Cross Certificate of Extraordinary Personal Action award — a recognition that celebrates the bravery and selflessness of ordinary citizens who step up to save a life.

“I was driving home from work after a long day, and I noticed that a woman was yelling for help as she held on to a small child. I pulled over and instinct kicked in. After assessing that the child was choking on a piece of candy, I centered myself and got to work. The first aid skills kicked on automatically — I didn’t think about it, I knew what I needed to do in a rush,” said Joshua. “Hearing the little girl take a breath was so emotional. I can’t explain why I was overcome with emotion, but I’ll never forget how grateful I was for my first aid training that day.”

Emergencies can happen anytime, in any place. Knowing how to provide First Aid like CPR, using an AED, or performing abdominal thrusts or back blows when someone is choking can help gain precious time for a person experiencing an emergency. We encourage you to sign up for a lifesaving class near you at – it truly can impact the trajectory of someone’s life in a positive way.

“I never imagined putting my first aid skills to work. Never. This incident made me realize how important and necessary it is to know first aid. Emergencies happen when you least expect them, and they happen regardless of the day and time of the year. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened to that little girl had she not gotten the help she needed. If I ever find myself needing first aid, I sure hope someone nearby will be prepared to help.”

Joshua instinctively reacted when he recognized someone needed help which is part of the twofold training imparted by the Red Cross — recognizing the signs that someone needs help and preparing you to respond when minutes matter.

During his free time, Joshua is a volunteer with the Disaster Action Team of the Illinois Red Cross. When asked why he volunteers, he shares, “Someone I work with is a Red Cross volunteer, and when he returned after deploying to a disaster in another state and heard about his work and what he did to help people — I was motivated to get involved, to be a part of something bigger. Helping communities recover after a disaster – it’s the least I can do.”

The Red Cross Lifesaving Awards Program began in 1911 when an anonymous donor contacted the American Red Cross wishing to make a donation to recognize first aid work rendered by railwaymen. Today, the program embraces three recognitions — the Certificate of Merit, the Lifesaving Award for Professional Responders, and the Certificate of Extraordinary Personal Action. 

Do you know someone who has used a lifesaving skill taught by the Red Cross? Nominate them for a Red Cross Lifesaving Award here.

Written by Connie Esparza, Communications Manager for the Illinois Red Cross

Rebuilding After Tragedy: How Brittany Bouck Transformed Loss into a Life of Helping Others

In 2019, Brittany Bouck was living in Sycamore, Illinois with her 8-year-old daughter Bella. They had their own apartment and Brittany was happily employed at a nursing home until their world was turned upside down. 

On July 27th of that year, a massive fire broke out at the Saint Albans Green apartment building where Brittany and Bella lived, displacing about 120 residents. Not only did they lose everything, but they had no idea how to begin the process of picking up the pieces. 

“I had already really worked hard to get myself back on my feet into that apartment,” Brittany said. “I was just kind of feeling like I was getting my feet on the ground. And then the next thing I knew, everything was gone.” 

Shortly after the fire occurred, Brittany attended a multi-agency resource center, which is meant to help residents get the disaster relief services and information they need to start the recovery process. It was there that Brittany met Red Cross volunteer, Charlie Sharp.  

“Charlie and I connected immediately,” Brittany said. “Everybody was very much in crisis. I was having a hard time with my anxiety, and he just had this amazing, calming, presence. After that day, he would call me and check in on me, I really appreciated it.” 

“It wasn’t just me, it was all of the Red Cross volunteers that day, so I can’t take all the credit,” Charlie said. “But I did spend a lot of time with her because I just wanted to make sure she was okay and that she had what she needed for herself and her daughter.”  

Brittany was able to get into another apartment and was just starting to get back on her feet again when the COVID-19 pandemic began, causing her hours at the nursing home to be cut significantly. But because of the experience Brittany had recently gone through, she found a position at the Family Service Agency of DeKalb County as a family support specialist.  

“I felt like I was such a great fit for that role because of my lived experience,” Brittany said. “That helps me have that extra level of empathy and understanding. It also has a healing component for me as well. I think the more exposure I get to what I’ve gone through helps me heal knowing that I’m helping others.” 

Brittany has since earned a B.S. in Human Services and has moved up to the Community Action Program Coordinator for the Family Service Agency. It’s her role to attend multiple-agency resource centers, only now she is representing her organization and helping others the same way she received that help five years ago.  

Recently, it came full circle when Brittany ran into Charlie when they were both attending a resource center after a large apartment fire in the area.  

“She saw me, and she said, ‘Charlie, I was hoping you’d be here’,” Charlie said. “She went from needing help to giving help and when she told me that, I had goosebumps. It is such a turnaround story. And knowing she’s happy and her daughter is doing great, that’s all I could ever hope for.” 

“It just means so much to me,” Brittany said. “Seeing Charlie’s face, it made me so happy, I wish I could put it into words.” 

Thank you, Charlie, for your commitment as a Red Cross volunteer which has a lasting impact on those you serve.  

Visit to start your Red Cross volunteer journey. 

Written by Communications Manager Mara Thompson

Lucy Newman: Beloved daughter, wife, and mother honored with a blood drive

Lucy Newman: Beloved daughter, wife, and mother honored with a blood drive

Beloved daughter and wife, Lucy had just added the title of ‘mother’ on September 1st of last year when she unexpectedly passed away ten days after giving birth to her beautiful baby girl, Daisy Madeline.

“It had been an ideal pregnancy all along until the end of August,” shared Lucy’s husband, Daniel. “Nothing prepared us for the turn of events and the diagnosis of a rare blood clotting pregnancy complication that impacts 1 out of 10,000 pregnant women — Lucy being that 1 in 10,000. Because the blood clotting issue was affecting the placenta and putting the baby in danger, Lucy underwent an emergency c-section and Daisy was born 6 weeks before her due date.”

Over the course of 6-7 days after delivering her baby, Lucy underwent emergency surgery twice.

“Lucy received over 70 units of blood and until she received the first unit, we didn’t realize the importance and impact of having lifesaving blood on hand. For 11 days, Lucy and her medical team fought hard to make her well and I kept seeing the units of blood coming to help her along. There was never a fear or doubt that blood would be available for her.”

Despite lifesaving measures, Lucy passed away on September 11, 2023, the very same day, the American Red Cross announced a blood shortage.

“The day Lucy passed away, a family friend informed us of the national blood shortage the Red Cross had announced that very same day. While I joke today that Lucy ‘must have used it all,’ I can’t fathom how it would have impacted us had at any point we’d been told that blood products were not available for Lucy.

The American Red Cross declared a national blood shortage on September 11, 2023, then again on January 8, 2024, citing a critically low blood supply level that dropped nearly 25% since early August 2023. When fewer people donate blood, even small disruptions to blood donations can have a significant impact on the availability of blood products and dramatic consequences for those in need of emergency blood transfusion.

“The idea of a blood drive in her honor was born from her labor and delivery nurse and it felt right to honor her memory this way. I lived through it – I experienced first-hand how critical to recovery receiving donated blood can be and the importance of having it available in case of emergency. Lucy was the love of my life and a bright light who left us too soon. She lived to the fullest and brought so much joy everywhere she went and with everyone she interacted with and I know that encouraging others to donate blood would be something she would want done. I had never donated blood, however, in her memory, I hope to be a recurring blood donor as my way to pay it forward so that others have a chance at recovery.”

With as many as 60,000 U.S. birthing parents each year affected by severe maternal morbidity, unexpected outcomes of labor or delivery that have serious short- or long-term health impacts, it is likely that either you or someone you know has required the blood of donors during pregnancy or delivery.

Daniel and Daisy

You can help expectant and new parents overcome unexpected challenges, offering them the chance for more joy with their newborn babies. All blood types are needed to ensure a robust blood supply is available when patients need it most. Visit to find a blood donation appointment near you.

Written by Connie Esparza, Communications Manager for the Illinois Red Cross

Ashley Ambeau: “Donated blood breathed life into me.”

Ashley Ambeau: “Donated blood breathed life into me.”

Looking forward to meeting her baby, Ashley was not expecting the turn of events that forever impacted her life. After 40+ hours of intense labor, Ashley’s doctor determined it was time for a c-section. Ashley vaguely remembers the course of events surrounding her c-section but does recall the various feelings hitting her at the same time.

“I remember the emotional, overwhelming, exciting feelings when I finally got to see my son in recovery, but I also remember the sheer exhaustion and confusing feeling of not having the energy to move. Eight hours after my son was born, bloodwork determined that I had a low blood count and that blood transfusions might help my recovery. I simply can’t articulate how I felt after receiving two units of blood. Life was breathed into me – I felt ALIVE!”

There are several reasons why blood transfusions may be necessary during pregnancy and delivery — currently, up to 3% of all birthing parents receive blood transfusions postpartum. It’s in moments like these—where every second counts—that the generosity of blood donors becomes critically important. Click here to read more about the importance of blood transfusions during pregnancy and birth.

While being a blood donor was never top of mind, the birth of Ashley’s son has not only made her an advocate, but also given her a different perspective on the need for blood donors.

“I grew up watching my father loyally donate blood every chance he was able to as his way of giving back. We never imagined that I would be on the receiving end of needing donated blood and we simply can’t fathom what my recovery would have been had blood not been available. I am forever grateful to the donors who selflessly gave their blood so someone like me had it when it was most needed.”

Today, Ashley, along with fellow coworkers, are preparing for a company-wide blood drive.

“I am part of the employee engagement/recognition committee at work, and we recently were discussing ways to give back and impact our community as a group. I was overjoyed when the idea came up to host a company-wide blood drive. No one at work knows how donated blood impacted me and it’s endearing to hear how passionately the idea of hosting a blood drive was received. We are hosting our first-ever blood drive this summer and I’m excited to welcome my colleagues, share my story, and possibly hear theirs – not to mention help circumvent summer blood shortages.”

Unfortunately, as the weather gets warmer, many people turn their thoughts to summer vacation and all the fun that implies. The Red Cross typically sees blood supplies decrease during summer months as people leave for vacation yet, the need for blood does not take a break. With no substitute for blood donations, blood donors are the only source of blood supplies for those with sickle cell, victims of accidents, or parents experiencing difficult childbirth or postpartum recovery.

Visit to make an appointment to donate blood and help keep a steady blood supply.

Written by Connie Esparza, Communications Manager for the Red Cross of Illinois

“Después de perderlo todo en el incendio, La Cruz Roja Americana se volvieron mis ángeles.”

Para Gabriela, su hija de 5 años y su hermano, era un día rutinario, hasta que dejó de serlo. “Estaba en el trabajo cuando mi hermano me llamó para que me apresurara a volver a casa porque nuestro edificio de apartamentos estaba en llamas y estábamos perdiendo todas nuestras cosas. Las horas y los días siguientes, mi cabeza estaba nublada y no podía entender qué tenía que hacer a continuación y cómo empezar de nuevo”.

Perder su casa en un incendio no es sólo la pérdida del lugar donde vive, su lugar de comodidad y seguridad, sino también la pérdida de tantas cosas de valor como fotografías, documentos, objetos preciados y la pérdida de la rutina conocida.

Gabriela recuerda: “Nunca en un millón de años imaginé la posibilidad de sufrir un incendio en mi hogar. Cuando veia cómo el edificio ardía en llamas, pensé: ‘Bueno, ¿y ahora qué? Estamos en la calle, sin hogar, ¿qué vamos a hacer? a donde vamos a ir ¿ Y lo más importante, ¿cómo iba a explicarle esta tremenda pérdida a mi hija que afortunadamente estaba en la guardería en ese momento? No sabía qué hacer a continuación y mucho menos pensar en las palabras que necesitaba usar para asegurarle que íbamos a estar bien”.

Durante las siguientes semanas después del incendio, Gabriela y algunos de sus vecinos encontraron refugio en un refugio de la Cruz Roja y Gabriela recuerda: “En el refugio, mi hija se aclimató muy bien gracias a los voluntarios de la Cruz Roja. Cada voluntario que conocimos nos trató con mucha amabilidad y compasión. A mi hija, los voluntarios de la Cruz Roja le proporcionaron juguetes de peluche y materiales para colorear, se tomaron el tiempo para sentarse con ella a dibujar y colgar sus obras de arte en el refugio. Mi hija entendió que lo habíamos perdido todo, pero el cuidado y la amabilidad de los voluntarios de la Cruz Roja lograron que ella no sintiera la pérdida tan inmensamente. Por eso, estoy eternamente agradecido”.

“No puedo decirlo de otra manera: los voluntarios de la Cruz Roja fueron ángeles que en cuestión de horas reemplazaron los medicamentos de mi hija y localizaron un lugar seguro para que nos quedáramos, luego durante días nos cuidaron las 24 horas del día y se aseguraron de que estábamos bien”.

Los voluntarios son el alma de la Cruz Roja y representan el 90% de la fuerza laboral. Después de un incendio doméstico, los voluntarios de la Cruz Roja trabajan con los departamentos de bomberos locales para conectarse con las familias impactadas para brindarles servicios como alojamiento de emergencia, asistencia financiera y apoyo emocional.

“Mientras estaba afuera del edificio en llamas, sin saber a quién llamar para pedir ayuda, apareció la Cruz Roja. Gracias a la Cruz Roja, tuvimos refugio seguro, comidas, asistencia financiera, atención espiritual, asistencia para la recuperación, servicios de salud y mucho más. Con su apoyo, pude aclarar mi mente y ponerme a trabajar en la recuperación para poder hacer que mi familia volviera a la rutina que conocíamos”.

La Cruz Roja responde a 60.000 desastres al año, y la gran mayoría de ellos son incendios domésticos. A través de desastres grandes y pequeños, los voluntarios están listos para responder al llamado de ayuda para proporcionar alimentos, refugio, suministros de socorro, consuelo, planificación de recuperación y otra asistencia para ayudar a las personas en su momento de mayor necesidad.

“Las palabras más dulces de mi hija cuando nos mudamos a nuestro nuevo apartamento: ‘¡Tenemos un hogar otra vez!’ Un nuevo hogar, un nuevo comienzo, todo gracias a La Cruz Roja. Ahora hago una donación a la Cruz Roja porque sé lo que significa que alguien aparezca después de una pérdida devastadora y le den la mano a uno. Mi deseo es que otros también contribuyan porque cada poquito hace una diferencia muy significativa durante uno de los momentos mas obscuros de la vida”.

Aprenda cómo puede ser voluntario o donar en

Escrito por Connie Esparza, Gerente de Comunicaciones

American Red Cross Celebrates 2024 Local Heroes: Eighteen extraordinary individuals to be honored at the 2024 Red Cross Heroes Breakfast

The American Red Cross of Greater Chicago announces the 2024 class of heroes to be honored at the annual Red Cross Heroes Breakfast. The class of Red Cross Heroes are an exemplary group of individuals who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to build better communities, and who have made a lasting impact on others in the process.

The Heroes Breakfast was established to raise public awareness of local heroes who exemplify the values of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross. Since 2002, the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago has celebrated more than two hundred extraordinary individuals who have made a personal commitment to creating safer and stronger communities and providing help when disaster strikes.

This is the 22nd year the Red Cross is honoring a class of heroes at our Heroes Breakfast, attended by hundreds of individuals from across Chicagoland. This year’s event is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. at the Hilton Chicago. Over the past 22 years, through the generosity of the corporate and individual donor community, the annual Chicago Heroes Breakfast has raised millions of dollars for the humanitarian mission of the American Red Cross.

“For the past 22 years, community heroes have graced our breakfast— each dedicated to serving others, saving lives, and providing hope during someone’s darkest moments. I am honored to relay the humanitarian stories of generosity and compassion from each hero and to reflect on the power of the Red Cross mission,” said Celena Roldán Sarillo, Chief Executive Officer of the American Red Cross of Illinois.

The 2024 Class of Heroes

Heroes in twelve community service categories are being honored this year. Honorees were chosen by an independent committee of leaders in the business and civic community. The Red Cross pays tribute to the 2024 class of heroes through their stories of inspiration outlined below:

Chez Smith of Chicago Heights and Venisha Bonds of Dolton are the Blood Services Heroes.

Gyrls in the H.O.O.D, a Chicago-based non-profit is dedicated to empowering young women with a “Healthy, Optimistic, Outstanding, and Determined” foundation. Led by Chez Smith and Venisha Bonds, the organization launched a free phlebotomy training program to help address workforce challenges faced by women. Recognizing the financial struggles of many of the participants, the organization covered the cost of tuition, books, medical scrubs, and the state exam. With several certified students, Gyrls in the H.O.O.D is helping supply skilled phlebotomists to aid in a crucial field.

Jacqueline Reed of Chicago is the Disaster Relief Hero.

As a longtime Austin resident and community advocate, Jacqueline Reed spearheaded relief efforts in the aftermath of record-breaking floods that devastated the neighborhood in July 2023. As the chair of the Westside Long Term Recovery Group, Reed mobilized resources and volunteers, which have since helped about 75 homes become habitable. Reed’s dedication highlights her lifelong commitment in Austin to building community resilience and supporting those in need.

Steve and Sheila Conner of Oak Park are the Education Heroes.

Steve and Sheila Conner, motivated by their son Stone’s disinterest in traditional math and science education, launched the HEPH Foundation in 2014 to revolutionize STEM learning. Utilizing innovative approaches to learning, such as gaming, sports, and music, the foundation’s materials engage students and foster a lifelong passion for science and technology. Through tailored programs and partnerships with schools in the Chicagoland area and beyond, the Conners have engaged about 20,000 learners in STEM via the program they designed.

Patty Samar of Chicago is the Healthcare Hero.

Patty Samar worked at Rush Medical Center as an apheresis nurse when she met Kirk, a dialysis patient. Samar befriended Kirk and when she learned that his donated kidney was failing, she helped launch a search campaign to find a live donor. Samar also decided to get tested and when she learned she was a match for Kirk’s kidney donation, Samar did not hesitate to give Kirk the lifesaving gift of one of her kidneys.

Nicholas DeLeon of Chicago is the Firefighter Hero.

On July 13, 2023, Firefighter/Paramedic Nicholas DeLeon was on duty at the fire station and was assigned to cook for his colleagues when he realized he needed additional groceries for that evening’s dinner. While at the grocery store, DeLeon encountered an active shooter situation and quickly dialed 9-1-1 for help after which he searched for fellow shoppers to usher them out safely and attend to anyone injured by the shooter.

Nancy Economou of Downers Grove is the Global Citizenship Hero.

As the founder of Watts of Love, Nancy Economou works to provide sustainable solar lighting solutions to communities in need across the globe. After witnessing the dangerous effects of families using kerosene for illumination in the Philippines, she designed a solar light to aid these communities and also to help promote financial literacy, by enabling families to save funds previously spent on kerosene or batteries for entrepreneurship and education, Watts of Love empowers recipients via solar power and also helps them achieve additional financial freedom.

Angela Thompson of Chicago is the Community Impact Hero.

Angela Thompson is a devoted Chicago Public School Safety Crossing Guard, stationed on a busy southside corner, who not only impacts the lives of children daily with her kindness and care on the job, but also through her cherished annual holiday toy drive. Over the past 14 years, Angela has organized this heartwarming initiative, initially single-handedly and now with support from her community. Since 2009, her efforts have reached 3,000 families in the Chicagoland area, highlighting her remarkable commitment to spread love and joy to children.

Kenneth Griffin of Chicago is the Law Enforcement Hero.

Kenneth Griffin, a Chicago Police Youth Officer, founded the non-profit ’No Matter What’ in 2015 with a mission to invest in and support youth to reach their highest potential despite obstacles. Through mentorship, financial literacy, career readiness training, travel and mental health, Griffin works to connect youth to opportunities outside of their neighborhood and simultaneously help them discover the potential within themselves.

Daniel Viayra Chavez of Aurora and Josh Elrod of Sandwich are the Lifesaving Rescue Heroes.

On September 19, 2023, Daniel Viayra Chavez and Josh Elrod, water department employees with the City of Aurora, were doing routine maintenance work on an Aurora neighborhood sewer when they heard cries for ’ayuda’ (help). Both Viayra Chavez and Elrod ran and found an Aurora resident holding an unresponsive one-year-old who was not breathing. Viayra Chavez immediately began performing CPR while Elrod phoned 9-1-1 for help, their efforts helped the child to begin to breathe.

Fred Williams, Jr. of Waukegan is the Military Hero.

Fred Williams, Jr., a veteran of the United States Air Force, serves as the Member Services Manager at the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC), where he has mentored and guided approximately 1,000+ youth aged 16 to 24. YCC members, through coaching and mentorship, complete their high school degree and receive training in skilled trades or IT. Inspired by his military background, Fred instills belief and support in the program’s members, emphasizing their potential for success.

Matt DeMateo of Chicago is the Social Justice Hero.

Matt DeMateo, Executive Director at New Life Centers, an arm of New Life Community Church, provides youth programs covering mentorship, education, sports, peace-making, and community care to over 1,700 people each year. Since May 2023, New Life Centers via Matt’s leadership are also a major part of the support and response efforts assisting the recently arrived migrants, by caring for those in shelters and helping over 1,400 families move into permanent housing.

Declan Devlin, Tiernan Devlin, Tommy Nitti, and Charlie Valero of Glen Ellyn are the Youth Heroes.

On a Saturday evening, shortly after school had let out for the summer, classmates and friends Declan and Tiernan Devlin, Tommy Nitti, and Charlie Valero, initially jumped into action to retrieve a wayward remote-control boat in the middle of Lake Ellyn. On their way to the middle of the lake, with their paddle board and life jackets, they soon realized they needed to also pull a drowning man to safety instead.

2024 Heritage Award
In addition to recognizing the exemplary 2024 Class of Heroes, the Red Cross of Greater Chicago will present the prestigious Heritage Award. The Heritage Award is given annually to a civic leader who exemplifies the spirit of heroism and humanitarianism at a distinguished level and demonstrates a long-term commitment to improving the lives of others. The awardee’s actions, deeds, and philanthropic works illustrate the spirit of humanitarianism and echo our mission: to help others prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.

The Red Cross is proud to bestow Brett Hart, President of United Airlines with the 2024 Heritage Award. In his role, Hart is responsible for United’s global operations – flight, technical and network operations, inflight services, and safety, and he leads the company’s external-facing functions including government affairs, regulatory, corporate communications, advertising, market and community innovation, legal, global community engagement, environmental sustainability teams, and more. Hart is renowned for the incredible impact he has had on the more than 90,000 employees of United, its customers and our community, through the many programs and initiatives he has guided and influenced.

Thank you to the generous sponsors of the 2024 Illinois Red Cross Heroes Breakfast event, including:

Champion Sponsors: CDW, ITW, Kirkland & Ellis; Inspiring Action Sponsors: Edwardson Family Foundation, Make It Better Foundation; Hero Sponsors: Aon, William Blair, CNA, Fresenius Kabi, KPMG LLP, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Motorola Solutions Foundation, Nicor Gas, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., United Airlines, Wintrust; Interactive Technology Sponsors: Elevance Health, Patrick M. and Jennifer Gallagher, Stepan Company; Media Sponsors: CBS 2 Chicago, Make It Better Foundation

VISUALS: Red Cross Heroes headshots may be accessed here.

About the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.

Susan Noyes’ Red Cross Story

“To support all the American Red Cross and its amazing volunteers in action is truly an honor,” said Susan Noyes, Red Cross Illinois Region board member and Tiffany Circle member, after volunteering at the Family Service Center following the tragic 2022 Fourth of July parade shooting in Highland Park, IL.

“The Red Cross’ ability to respond to a community in crisis and bring together the right partnerships was amazing and only made me more motivated to do the work that I get to do.”

Susan has been a long-time Red Cross volunteer, beginning as a candy striper at her community hospital when she was 14 years old. Later, she learned water safety and CPR, and eventually became an avid blood donor.  “I never really thought about how the Red Cross was the connection point for all those opportunities,” she reflected.

Today, Susan is the founder of the Make It Better Foundation, and her engagement and leadership with the Red Cross has deepened significantly. The Foundation’s mission is to identify and amplify the work of outstanding nonprofits while growing a network of well-informed, committed philanthropists, social entrepreneurs and sponsors.

Susan credits much of her engagement with the Red Cross to the former CEO of the Red Cross of Greater Chicago and her close friend, Fran Edwardson. It was Fran who helped Susan discover the details of her extraordinary connection to the Red Cross and its history. Susan mentioned to Fran that her husband’s family had – at that point – an unknown tie to the organization in its early days. This led Fran to uncover that the ancestors of Susan’s husband, Nick Noyes, were in the inner circle of the founder herself – Clara Barton. In addition, in 1949, the Noyes family donated a home to be used as the Red Cross Chapter House in Danville, New York – the same town in which Clara Barton founded the first Red Cross chapter in the late 1800s. Today, that Chapter House is used as a Red Cross museum and office, and displays a collection of antiques donated by the Noyes family as well as other memorabilia pertaining to the history of the Red Cross.

“As I got involved with the Red Cross, I started realizing how many different ways the Red Cross has touched my life,” Susan said. “It’s an organization where the more you learn and the more you do, the more amazed you are by the depth and the breadth and the opportunity.”

Prior to her first board term, Susan witnessed the organization in action on a cold and frigid November evening. She had committed to learn more of what the Red Cross does on a first-hand basis and signed up to serve on the Disaster Action Team, a dedicated group of volunteers who respond to local disasters. On that night, she was called to respond to a serious home fire in Chicago. “Seeing the Red Cross interact with this family that was just devastated, alongside the first responders, I thought, ‘Wow, this is a well-oiled machine.’”

Today, Susan has shared her passion for the American Red Cross with her immediate family, as six members – spanning three generations – have joined the Tiffany Circle. The Tiffany Circle is a community of women leaders who advance the American Red Cross mission through a focused investment of time, talent and treasure by engaging and embracing women locally, nationally and internationally.  

“I feel like my donated hours and dollars have the greatest impact by working with the Red Cross and because it does touch so many different areas of need. It feels like a real honor to be able to be part of that.”

Written by Marissa Blake, originally published on

Mount Carroll woman hits blood donation goal, inspired by father’s fight against Leukemia

Laura Smith of Mount Carroll, Illinois, recently hit a significant blood donor milestone. At the Savanna Community Blood Drive in February, Laura made her 100th donation.

While this is an exciting achievement on its own, it was extra special for Laura, who set this goal for herself 17 years ago after her dad was diagnosed with Leukemia.

“I’m really glad that I made this goal for myself to get to 100 times of giving blood,” Laura said. “What is so nice about it is I thought that when he found out he had leukemia 17 years ago, I would be doing it in his memory, but that’s not the case.”

Laura’s father, Don, has always been a huge advocate for donating blood and was alerted that he should go to the doctor after trying to give blood like he regularly did 17 years ago, but flags were raised when they tested his blood.

“As an American and as a citizen, my dad believes you should vote and you should give blood,” Laura said. “So that was just kind of his philosophy, and he would be a lifelong donor if he could, but I feel lucky I can continue to donate in his honor.”

Now Don is healthy and cancer-free at 85 years old. Laura is happy she met her goal, and she can share her accomplishment with her dad.

“I think that’s fantastic,” Laura’s Father, Don Mall said. “I gave 74 times and I was planning to go to 100 and beyond, but I had to stop once I got cancer.” 

“I was just ecstatic because I truly didn’t think that I would be able to do it in my father’s lifetime,” Laura said. “For me, it was just a great feeling, and it was an accomplishment that’s very personal for me.”

Beyond being proud of achieving her goal during her father’s life, Laura is also proud of the lifesaving work she is doing by donating blood.

“I’ve never had a bad experience giving blood,” Laura said. “Just to know that I can help someone, a complete stranger, just by taking an hour out of my day, is worth it for me to make donating blood a priority.”

Thank you, Laura, for your dedication to being a blood donor and part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross. The Red Cross provides about 40% of our nation’s blood, all from generous blood donors. But supply can’t always meet demand because only about 3% of eligible people donate blood each year.

Help us meet patients’ needs. Visit to secure a blood donation appointment near you.

Written by Illinois Communications Manager Mara Thompson

Madeleine Yoon: Making Friends While Supporting the Red Cross Mission

On the cusp of finishing high school and moving on to Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Madeleine Yoon is hoping the legacy she started at her high school lives on for years to come.

“My sister and I started a Red Cross Club at our high school to make friends and to create a space where like-minded students could come together to do volunteer work for the good of the community and beyond. My hope is that participants see how their work impacts the Red Cross mission and endeavor to keep the club going long after I’ve graduated,” shared Madeleine.

In addition to leading the Red Cross Club at Barrington High School, Madeleine is a Field Ambassador for the Red Cross. Field Ambassadors like Madeleine serve as liaisons between their local region and the National Youth Council, promoting monthly national initiatives and working closely with local chapters and clubs to develop youth programs customized to meet the needs of the region.

“Serving as a Field Ambassador has been a memorable experience. Having the opportunity to meet and work with other motivated and determined Red Cross volunteers in my age group with similar values and connections to the mission has been really inspiring. As I move on to my college years, my commitment to the Red Cross and public service are top goals for me.”

The Red Cross Club of Barrington High School

Over the years, Madeleine, along with her fellow Red Cross Club members, has worked to raise funds to help the Red Cross prepare and respond to disasters across the region and support impacted communities to recover from emergencies. What started as a desire to meet fellow classmates grew in vision and desire to impact the mission of the Red Cross.

“We are so grateful to Madeleine, and all of our Red Cross Club members in the Illinois Region! They raise awareness of the Red Cross mission every day in their schools and communities, and they embody the true spirit of volunteerism,” shared Virginia Hopley, Volunteer Services Representative with the Illinois Red Cross.

Madeleine, thank you for your commitment to the humanitarian mission and inspiring your fellow classmates to support the Red Cross. We hope to see your name on the Red Cross volunteer roster for many more years!

Are you a high school or college student interested in starting a Red Cross Club at your school? Along with training and leadership development opportunities, you can choose mission-related activities in your community, while delivering lifesaving services of the Red Cross. Click here to learn more

Written by Illinois Communications Manager Connie Esparza

An Unforgettable Phone Call: How the Red Cross supported Ann Rofkahr after her home fire

An Unforgettable Phone Call: How the Red Cross supported Ann Rofkahr after her home fire

On a Thursday afternoon in early spring, while on her way to drop off her friend after they had had lunch, Ann received a phone call that left her in complete shock. Her neighbor called with the news that the Bourbonnais Fire Department was working to put out a fire at her home.

“Before leaving to meet my friend, I had been outside and around my home and all was in order. I was in shock—disbelief that my neighbor was telling me that my home of 23 years – 23 years of love and work into it was going up in flames,” shared Ann.

Arriving at her home, Ann was met with a huge blaze and black billowing smoke emanating from her house, 25 mph winds that were making it impossible to extinguish the fire, and 27 neighboring fire departments that were working arduously against nature.

“I was sitting in the fire truck with the Fire Chief when my phone rang, and it was a volunteer with the Red Cross. I knew of the Red Cross because I am a blood donor. I didn’t realize how the Red Cross helps people in situations like the one I found myself in. The moral support, making sure I was okay – I will never forget that call and what it meant to me. That type of support is what helps one through a devastating loss – in my case, my home.”

Red Cross Disaster Action Team volunteers help local families cope with emergencies. In Illinois, over 4,400 volunteers stand ready to respond when the need arises to provide immediate assistance, disaster mental health, spiritual care, and health services. Diane Carter is a dedicated Red Cross volunteer who after a 31-year career in the military, resolved to be there to lend a hand when it’s most needed and who showed up to help Ann with next steps after her devastating loss.  

“I volunteer with the Red Cross because I will never forget, as a military servicemember, how they were there to support me when I was deployed, and I had an emergency back home. I show up as a Red Cross volunteer because I know firsthand what it means to have someone there to tell you, ‘We’re here for you and together, we’re going to work on a recovery plan.’ You never forget that moment just like Ann doesn’t forget that call she received from us [Red Cross],” shared Diane.

Ann learned that the fire that destroyed her home started at a pile of mulch and the high winds carried the fire to the shed, garage, and ultimately her home. “I was thankful for the clothes on my back, the shoes on my feet, my purse and car, and the incredible outpouring of support I received starting with the Red Cross. I am working on being patient as I rebuild my home and encourage us all to be giving and help others – it will all come back to you when you most need it.”

Volunteers make it possible to respond to an average of 65,000 disasters every year, most of them home and apartment fires. Find out about the needs in your area by searching for current volunteer opportunities. To find urgently needed volunteer opportunities near you, visit

Written by Illinois Communications Manager Connie Esparza